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What is Lachian Clothing Co. all about?

Lachian Clothing Co. is an Appalachian lifestyle brand that designs and prints clothing inspired by the region that we love. 

Goods That Go

To us, the Appalachian lifestyle is one of adventure. Our ancestors traveled into the unknown when they settled in these mountains and made these hills their home. In the same way, we want to continually seek adventure and embrace the unknown. We design our clothes with this in mind. Our products are made to go with you wherever you go so that you never have to worry about the shirt on your back when you're out there doing what you do.

What Inspires Us

So many things about Appalachia inspire us. This region of the United States is home to some of the most breathtaking scenery in the country. Although it doesn't always get the credit for it, Appalachia has views that rival more famous ones that a person may see out west. Just listen to John Denver's "Take Me Home, Country Roads" and you'll hear a list of the beautiful landmarks that can be found here. Appalachia's beauty is endless.

We're also inspired by the people of this region. Appalachia is home to some of the warmest, friendliest, most welcoming people around. People here protect their own and care for one another.

Another thing that comes to mind when we think of the people of Appalachia is resilience. Much of the economy here was reliant on the coal industry at one time or another. When the demand for coal began to drop it devastated local communities. However, the people here were not content to sit in their misfortune. They banded together and have been working hard to find new and creative solutions to the problems that they face.

The Reason We Do This

Our mission is to highlight all of the positive things that we love about Appalachia. This place that we love has a bad reputation that we feel it doesn't deserve. The media and people outside the region often paint a portrait of this region that accentuates the negatives and largely ignores the positive.

A 2019 article in USA Today really helped to light our fire. The article lists the "25 Worst counties to live in" in the United States. Of the 25, ten were in our home state of Kentucky and 12 were in the Appalachian region. This assessment of the place that we love seemed unfair. 

Poverty, drugs, and inaccurate stereotypes often get the most attention when it comes to this part of the country. 

We want to bring attention to the good things that we have here. Our desire is that our clothing will help people both inside and outside of Appalachia to realize all of the awesome things we have to offer. We want to change the perception of this region from the inside out. We hope you'll join us on our journey. 


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  • Feb 25, 2021
  • Category: Lachian
  • Comments: 0
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